Thursday, December 9, 2010

What I Have Learned

I have learned so many new concepts this semester. Some things that stood out to me this semester were arguments, fallacies, counterarguments, claims, repairing arguments, and how to effectively communicate within groups. Arguments were a very interesting area to me. I learned that the basic definition of an argument is, "an attempt to convince someone, using language, that a claim is true." This section definitely taught how to write better arguments. I also learned a lot about counter arguments in this class. A counter argument is basically refuting an argument. I learned about the different ways to write a counter argument. Fallacies were also one of the most interesting things I learned about in this class. There are so many different fallacies that I learned about. In the future I will be able to avoid fallacies in my writing. The different types of claims that I learned about were also interesting. I learned a lot about general claims and concealed claims. I also learned techniques for repairing arguments which are very useful. The Group Communication book taught me a lot of information too. I learned how to effectively communicate in small groups and organizations. I also learned about the importance of leadership and decision making in groups and teams. I can use many of the skills I learned from this class in the future.

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