Saturday, September 18, 2010

Organizational Relationships

I am going to discuss the organizational relationships discussed in chapter 4 of "Group Communication." The first organizational relationship discussed is the relationship between superiors and subordinates. An example of this in the workplace would between managers and employees. It is very important that the boss communicates with their employees so that everybody is on the same page. I think that communication between boss and employee is critical to operating a successful business.If they can not communicate efficiently, the business will definitely not run smoothly.

The next relationship discussed in the text is the relationship between team leaders and team members. Many organizations have recently decided to break employees up into teams. Small group communication is very key to the success of these teams. It has been found that teams outperform individuals in many organizations. The leader of these teams plays a very important role because they guide the team toward its goals. Many people will be placed in teams at their job, so it is very important to know how to communicate within your team.

The relationship between organizational departments is also discussed. Every single department must work together to operate a successful organization. If some departments within the organization do not communicate, there will be confusion and the organization will not be running smoothly. I found this section of the chapter to be very informative and I learned that communication is extremely important in the workplace.

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