Friday, November 19, 2010

Cause and Effect Website

I found the cause and effect website to be very helpful and interesting. The first example that was on the website was very interesting. When I first read the example, I immediately thought that the truck was at fault for the accident. The explanation of the differences in the arguments that the website gave was helpful to me. It was helpful that the difference between a causal and inductive argument was explained. The two rules of causation were explained very well and they helped me grasp the concept better. The explanations of post hoc, reverse causation and common cause were also extremely helpful. It was very helpful that this webpage focused on one example and throughly analyzed it. I think if there was more than one example I would have not understood this concept a fully. The three factors that were at the bottom of the webpage also help out. I also completed the exercises and they definitely helped me understand this concept.


  1. I agree with your post 100% Mr. Powers. I think this webpage was very thorough in discussing this one topic as well. It is nice to have such a great and easy explanation on a new topic we are discussing in class. You noticed as well that the two rules of causation were given and then explained very well which I also thought was very helpful. Ill agree the exercises were very helpful as well and I wanted to make sure I got every single one right. The questions were somewhat easy but they connected to the concept very well. I feel they were easy however due to the helpful webpage.

  2. Hey Kenny Powers, I agree with you that this website really summed up everything into an easy to understand concept. Like you, I liked that they used one example throughout the whole page to explain the different points, and how one small outside factor could end up changing who's fault the accident was. The one continuous example they used helped keep your mind focused on one situation, which was helpful because sometimes multiple examples hurt how you understand it rather than help. In this case just having this accident being the main point really worked towards us understanding all the concepts it had to present.
